My name is Viktoria and I come from Hungary. Now I`m staying in Haderslev, in Denmark. I come with Erasmus programme and I will stay here for four months. I want to write down here what's happening with me during my stay.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Games from all over the World

Physical Education is one of my favourite subjects and these lessons were very interesting. On the first lesson we did some dancing with a short song and we played danish children games.

On the second lesson everybody had to teach a game from their own country. We played a lot of different games, like special football from Norway, some catching games from Belgium, games to improve concentration from the Czech Republic. Unfortunetly there wasn't enough time for everybody, so I couldn't teach my game. I wanted to teach a catching game called The Fisherman of Danube. The rules are the followings: there's a catcher, who has to catch the others, they are fishes. If he/she catch somebody, they have to hold eachothers hand, and it goes on with the others too, until just one fish will stay in the game.

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